Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez opening hair transplant centre CR7 in Madrid

Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez opening hair transplant centre CR7 in Madrid.

If you are a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo, you probably envy his skills, his fame, his wealth and his hair. Yes, his hair. The Ace has always sported a flawless mane of hair that makes him look like a Greek god on the pitch. But what if we told you that he might not have it forever? And what if we told you that he has a solution for that?

That’s right, Ronaldo has opened a hair transplant centre in Madrid, the city where he spent nine glorious years playing for Real Madrid and winning everything there is to win. The centre, called CR7, is part of the Insparya Group, a company that Ronaldo co-founded with some guy named Paulo Ramos, who apparently knows a thing or two about hair.

The centre was launched on March 18, 2019, with Ronaldo and his stunning girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez in attendance. Rodriguez, who is also the mother of Ronaldo’s fourth child, will be one of the bosses of the centre, which will employ 150 people and perform 18 hair transplants a day, for a mere £3,473 each . That’s pocket change for Ronaldo, who earns more than that in an hour.

But why would Ronaldo, who has a perfect head of hair, open a hair transplant centre? Well, according to him, it’s because he loves Madrid and he wants to help people who suffer from hair loss. He also said that he would not hesitate to get a hair transplant himself if he ever needed it, because he thinks that one’s image is very important for success. And who are we to argue with that? After all, he is one of the most successful and handsome men in the world.

Rodriguez, who is also very beautiful and successful, said that she wanted to join the project because she cares about the issue of hair loss, especially among women. She said that she is very active and enterprising and likes to work on things that can make a difference. We wonder if she also likes to work on things that can make more babies with Ronaldo.

The centre is the first international branch of the Insparya Group, which has nine clinics in Portugal and has done more than 35,000 hair transplants since 2009. The group claims to use the best technology and methods in hair restoration, such as FUE, PRP and LLLT.

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